Wednesday, January 30, 2008

My Evelyn feedback

The Reviewing Team wrote:

Helen, strong effort. Without sounding like we are on repeat, this is good work but its lacks a bit of punch - what we're missing is the little details in developing idiosyncrasies that can turn this from ordinary to a full blown characterization and memorable character. Next time, try being a bit more daring and take a few more chances.

I agree totally. I knew that I made her too ordinary. I had a much better idea after this version had been uploaded. I should have played her as a bogan. Oh well, I've learn from this experience to dig deeper into a character first and to try and find what makes her individual and different from everyone else.

In other news, the photo shoot is postponed until the 9th. So no Sydney trip this weekend.

Happily, though, I sent the link of the auditions to my agent and she LOVED them! She also told me she loves how I'm so proactive: how I'm getting out there and trying things and also emailing her fairly often to ensure she's on the case! :D

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Thanks everyone! Glad you enjoyed them! It's not very often you get to audition in such a public manner.

I'm still waiting on my "official feedback" and will report on that once I've got it. I'm very interested to see what the producers and director say about my pieces.

I'm still waiting on confirmation of the photo shoot. It may not be happening this Saturday after all. Gah!

Monday, January 28, 2008

All five online

All five of my auditions are now up.

There was a delay on the last one because of a sudden increase in traffic. I guess a lot of people did theirs at the last minute.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Change is good

The filming for this TV show is in February. If I'm cast, then
a) I'm going to be flown to the UK in the middle of the lead up to Thoroughly Modern Millie, which opens on the 28th;
b) I'm going to be on a long-haul flight for the first time and the furthest I've ever flown before was to Vanuatu; and
c) I'm going to have to use my passport that has my maiden name on it and that might make things difficult with the authorities, wouldn't it?

A good bit of positive feedback from the guy who is already cast as the male lead:
Hi there Helen!

We haven't met yet but I just had a look through your auditions and they are fantastic. Well done! Pauline is very good but Melissa is my favourite. I am sitting in an office and actually burst out laughing...

Well, all the best. I look forward to meeting you sometime.

Looking forward to the official feedback. I'm feeling pretty good about this whole process. I've learn quite a lot about performing to camera, especially with close work, just by doing the takes and watching them back. I've never had that immediacy of feedback before. Watching the other audition videos has been really helpful as well. It's helped me to see what works and what doesn't in front of the camera.

If I get cast, I'm going to be totally ecstatic, but at the same time, petrified.

Repeating my mantra: Change is good. Change is good. Change is good. Change is good.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

As scary as it is...

As scary as it is, I'm putting myself right out there in public. If you go to that site, you'll see all the audition pieces I've uploaded so far. If you click on "more info" on each character, you'll come to a page that links to the other people up for the role and the audition script.

NB. That website no longer exists as the business behind it folded. The videos are now online on my YouTube channel.

Sunday, January 20, 2008


Progress - one monologue learnt and performed to camera. Four more to go. I did the easiest character first (the most down-to-earth one).

Big task

Big task this week: Learn five monologues for five different characters for the same TV show audition, film them and upload them. I may end up culling some of them - not sure if I've got enough time to do all five.

The five are all roles I could potentially play - all within my age range - but they are all so very different. One of them I want to play deadpan but I keep slipping into an American accent, which probably isn't good, considering it's for a British show, plus I don't think it particularly works for the character to be American. I wish I could do a convincing British accent, but it's too short notice to get that one under control for this audition.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Hooray. She emailed me back! She's OKed my CV and given me some feedback about what I should put in my showreel. She's organising a photo shoot in a couple of weeks as well, so I might end up just going with their photographer seeing as I haven't found exactly what I'm looking for here. It means another trip to Sydney, though, and this will be trickier because Hubby will have to stay back here and work. This means I'll have to take Elijah unless we can get child care for him somehow. And I haven't worked out what I can do with him in Sydney while I'm on a shoot.

New goal: Work out logistics of Elijah's care for while Hubby and I are in two different cities.

Emailed my agent

Well I emailed my agent a few days ago for some advice and to ask some questions and still haven't heard back. Might have to call her. I prefer to not do these kind of things verbally - I'm always worried I'll forget something important.

I'm seriously thinking of doing a video audition for the "It's Our Movie" project. The script is pretty funny. I actually laughed out loud in some parts. I think I'd suit the female lead. It's kind of a scary concept though, because it's going to be cast by popular vote, rather than by the director, so it could end up being a total shambles or it could be amazing.

There's a new Aussie sitcom that is casting for their pilot. I've applied for that too. They want 20-somethings and the show is about relationships in an urban setting. Other than that, there's not much information - it's all very secretive.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

New goals

New goals, since the last list is pretty much defunct:

1. Find out what would best work for me for a showreel and start organising one
2. Get more professional photos done for my portfolio
3. Figure out business/paperwork stuff that I need
4. Keep working on my voice and not be tempted to slack off
5. Stick to my new exercise regime: walking (with Elijah in stroller) 3 mornings a week for 20 minutes; pilates two days a week for 20 minutes
6. Start organising this house - if we move, then it needs to be ready to sell

Sunday, January 6, 2008

It's a start

The majority of what this agent gets from casting directors is commercials and feature films. So no theatre or TV shows. But it's a start. And since they are new, there's lots of opportunity to branch out.

I'm expecting an email tomorrow and that will give me more of an idea of what I need to get together for my portfolio.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Drum roll

Thanks for all the excellent vibes, folks!

*drum roll*

I have an agent!


The agent with whom I met was exactly the kind of person I was looking for. The agency started in Brisbane and is now expanding into Sydney, hence the need to find talent to fill their books. However, she said that she wasn't interested on having lots of people on the books, rather a smaller amount of quality talent, in order to have a more personal relationship between talent and agent!

She said I could choose to use their photographer or find my own for my portfolio shots (choice is good!) and get as much help as I need to put together a showreel.

I'm really excited! I got a very positive vibe from her. She seemed genuinely impressed with me and the bonus is that she has a little son as well, so we bonded over motherhood!

Things are looking good!

I can now tick off my "research an agent" goal because I've done more than that - I've gotten one! My next task is to work out exactly what to do next: my new list of goals.